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Linkedin Creative

Lead Designer + Researcher

Linkedin Creative is a website that gives space for artists to showcase their work. It removes the problem of not having a way to showcase work on Linkedin. My role was to research, design, and test all UI-related projects. I collaborated with Joy Wai, co-Lead UX Designer, to launch this project.

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Wonderland Redesign

Principal UX Designer

Wonderland Santa Cruz web redesign is a website that sells toys and educational material for educators & local Santa Cruzians. It helps customers find what they need quickly by adding an upgraded search function, categories, and a redesigned checkout. My role was principal UX Designer.

coming soon...


Foodie Finder

Principal UX Designer

The Foodie Finder is an app that helps Foodies find local food. Foodie Finder brings culinary adventures to you. Simply search and viola! Amazing local cuisine in minutes. bon appetit.

coming soon...

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